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    Zaproszenie do udziału w seminarium naukowym

    Zaproszenie do udziału w seminarium naukowym

    Zapraszamy do udziału w seminarium organizowanym przez International Society for Research on Solitude, gościem będzie dr Aleksandar Dimitrijević, który wygłosi wykład pt. Attachment theory as a psychological approach to the evolutionary significance of loneliness.


    Spotkanie odbędzie się 3 listopada br. o godzinie 16:00 w aplikacji MS Teams (link do spotkania).
    Więcej informacji o seminarium na stronie ISRS.


    Aleksandar Dimitrijević, PhD, is a clinical psychologist and psychoanalyst in private practice in Berlin. He worked as a university lecturer for more than twenty years. He has given lectures, seminars, university courses, and conference presentations throughout Europe and in the US. He is the author of many conceptual and empirical papers about attachment theory and research, psychoanalytic education, and psychoanalysis and the arts, some of which have been translated into German, Hungarian, Italian, Slovenian, Spanish, and Turkish. He has also edited or co-edited twelve books or special journal issues, the most recent of which are Silence and Silencing in Psychoanalysis and From the Abyss of Loneliness to the Bliss of Solitude (both with Michael B. Buchholz).



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